Agilent TechnologiesInfiniium DCA and DCA-JAgilent 86100A/B/CWide-BandwidthOscilloscopeProgrammer’s Guide
1-6IntroductionMultiple DatabasesMultiple DatabasesEye/Mask measurements are based on statistical data that is acquired and stored in the color grade/
2-46Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs950 PRINT !which represents the response to the interrupted query above960
2-47Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs1510 !1520 !1530 SUB Close1540 COM /Io/@Scope,Interface1550 1560 RESET Interface1570 SUBEND15
2-48Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs380 COM /Variables/Max_length390 Max_length=14000400 ASSIGN @Scope TO 707410
2-49Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs940 SUBEND950 !960 !970 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2-50Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs
3*CLS (Clear Status) 3-2*ESE (Event Status Enable) 3-2*ESR? (Event Status Register) 3-3*IDN? (Identification Number) 3-4*LRN? (Learn) 3-5*OPC (Operati
3-2Common Commands*CLS (Clear Status)Common CommandsCommon commands are defined by the IEEE 488.2 standard. They control generic device functions that
3-3Common Commands*ESR? (Event Status Register)<mask> An integer, 0 to 255, representing a mask value for the bits to be enabled in the Standard
3-4Common Commands*IDN? (Identification Number)<status> An integer, 0 to 255, representing the total bit weights of all bits that are high at th
3-5Common Commands*LRN? (Learn)*LRN? (Learn)Query *LRN?The *LRN? query returns a string that contains the analyzer's current setup. The analyzer&
1-7IntroductionMultiple DatabasesCHANnel2:DISPlay ON,APPendFor a example of using multiple databases, refer to “multidatabase.c Sample Program” on pag
3-6Common Commands*OPC (Operation Complete)Example This example sets the operation complete bit in the Standard Event Status Register when the PRINT o
3-7Common Commands*OPT? (Option)NOTE If instrument conditions have been set that can not be met, and the *OPC? is sent out, the instrument will not co
3-8Common Commands*RST (Reset)Table 3-4. Default Setup (1 of 4)AcquisitionRun/Stop 100 msGrid on30Enabled8 hoursDefault legendOffOff (until the first
3-9Common Commands*RST (Reset)Graticule Grid onIntensity 30Backlight Saver EnabledTurn off backlight after 8 hoursColors Default legendLabels OffMarke
3-10Common Commands*RST (Reset)Eye width TimeJitter RMSAverage power WattsWaveform Memory display OffWaveform source First available channel or memory
3-11Common Commands*RST (Reset)UtilitiesCal Output 5.0 mvCalibration Details OffSelf Test Scope Self TestsService Extensions OffRemote Interface Uncha
3-12Common Commands*SAV (Save)*SAV (Save)Command *SAV <register>The *SAV command stores the current state of the analyzer in a save register. &l
3-13Common Commands*STB? (Status Byte)*STB? (Status Byte)Query *STB?The *STB? query returns the current contents of the Status Byte, including the Mas
3-14Common Commands*TST? (Test)The *TRG command has the same effect as the Group Execute Trigger message (GET) or RUN command. It acquires data for th
3-15Common Commands*WAI (Wait-to-Continue)The *WAI command: This command is similar to the *OPC? query as it will also block the exe-cution of the rem
1-8IntroductionFilesFilesWhen specifying a file name in a remote command, enclose the name in double quotation marks, such as "filename". If
3-16Common Commands*WAI (Wait-to-Continue)
4AEEN 4-2 UEE 4-14ALER? 4-3 UER? 4-14AUToscale 4-3 VIEW 4-15BLANk 4-5CDISplay 4-5COMMents 4-5CREE 4-5CRER? 4-6DIGitize 4-6JEE 4-7JER? 4-8LER? 4-8LTEE
4-2Root Level CommandsAEENRoot Level CommandsRoot level commands control many of the basic operations of the analyzer that can be selected by pressing
4-3Root Level CommandsALER?ALER? Query :ALER? This query returns the current value of the Acquisition Limits Event Register as a decimal number and al
4-4Root Level CommandsAUToscaleThis command causes the analyzer to evaluate the current input signal and find the optimum conditions for displaying th
4-5Root Level CommandsBLANkUnable to set horizontal scale/delay for channel nReturned Format [:AUToscale] <data rate>BLANkCommand :BLANk {CHANne
4-6Root Level CommandsCRER?Returned Format [:CREE] <mask><NL>CRER?Query :CRER?This query returns the current value of the Clock Recovery E
4-7Root Level CommandsJEENOTE Even though digitized waveforms are not displayed, the full range of measurement and math operators may be performed on
4-8Root Level CommandsJER?are used at this time. The following table shows the enabled bits for each useful mask value. Bits that are not marked as en
4-9Root Level CommandsLTEEThis query reads the Local (LCL) Event Register. A “1” is returned if a remote-to-local transi-tion has taken place due to t
1-9IntroductionFilesTable 1-1. File Name ExtensionsFile Type File Name Extension CommandWaveform - internal format .wfm “STORe” on page 10-9Waveform -
4-10Root Level CommandsMTEE<string> A six-character alphanumeric model number in quotation marks. Output is determined by header and longform st
4-11Root Level CommandsOPEEReturned Format [:MTER] <value><NL>OPEECommand :OPEE <mask>This command sets a mask in the Operation Stat
4-12Root Level CommandsPTER?Query :PTEE?Returned Format [:PTEE] <mask><NL>PTER? Query PTER?This query returns the current value of the Pre
4-13Root Level CommandsSERialRestrictions In TDR mode (software revision A.06.00 and above), the optional channel argument is not allowed.Example 10 O
4-14Root Level CommandsSTORe:WAVeformSTORe:WAVeformCommand :STORe:WAVeform <source>,<destination> This command copies a channel, function,
4-15Root Level CommandsVIEWVIEWCommand :VIEW {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | WMEMory<N> | JDMemory | RESPonse<N> | HISTogram | CGM
4-16Root Level CommandsVIEW
5DATE 5-2DSP 5-2ERRor? 5-3HEADer 5-4LONGform 5-5MODE 5-6SETup 5-7TIME 5-7System Commands
5-2System CommandsDATESystem CommandsSYSTem subsystem commands control the way in which query responses are formatted, send and receive setup strings,
5-3System CommandsERRor?The string is actually read from the message queue. The message queue is cleared when it is read. Therefore, the displayed mes
1-10IntroductionFilesTable 1-3. Default File Locations File Type Default LocationWaveform - internal format, text format (Verbose, XY Verbose, or Y va
5-4System CommandsHEADerHEADerCommand :SYSTem:HEADer {{ON | 1} | {OFF | 0}}This command specifies whether the instrument will output a header for quer
5-5System CommandsLONGformExample This example examines the header to determine the size of the learn string. Memory is then allocated to hold the lea
5-6System CommandsMODE20 OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:LONGFORM?"30 ENTER 707;Result$MODECommand :SYSTem:MODE {EYE | OSCilloscope | TDR | JITTer}This
5-7System CommandsSETup:VIEW HISTogram:WAVeform:DATA :WAVeform:DATA?:WMEMory<N>:LOAD :WMEMory<N>:SAVE :WMEMory<N>:DISPlaySETupComman
5-8System CommandsTIME
6AVERage 6-2BEST 6-2COUNt 6-2EYELine 6-3LTESt 6-3POINts 6-3RUNTil 6-4SSCReen 6-4SSCReen:AREA 6-5SSCReen:IMAGe 6-6SWAVeform 6-6SWAVeform:RESet 6-7Acqui
6-2Acquire CommandsAVERageAcquire CommandsThe ACQuire subsystem commands set up conditions for acquiring waveform data, including the DIGitize root le
6-3Acquire CommandsEYELineQuery :ACQuire:COUNt?Returned Format [:ACQuire:COUNt] <value><NL>Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":ACQUIRE:COUNT 16&q
6-4Acquire CommandsRUNTilExample 10 OUTPUT 707;":ACQUIRE:POINTS 500"See Also :WAVeform:DATARUNTilCommand :ACQuire:RUNTil {OFF | WAVeforms,&l
6-5Acquire CommandsSSCReen:AREAcommand. If the results of consecutive limit tests must be stored in different files, omit the <filename> paramet
1-11IntroductionStatus ReportingStatus ReportingAlmost every program that you write will need to monitor the instrument for its operating status. This
6-6Acquire CommandsSSCReen:IMAGeThis command selects which data from the screen is to be saved to disk when the run until condition is met. When you s
6-7Acquire CommandsSWAVeform:RESetQuery :ACQuire:SWAVeform? <source>The query returns the current state of the :ACQuire:SWAVeform command.Return
6-8Acquire CommandsSWAVeform:RESet
7CANCel 7-4CONTinue 7-4ERATio:DLEVel? 7-4ERATio:STARt 7-4ERATio:STATus? 7-4FRAMe:LABel 7-5FRAMe:STARt 7-5FRAMe:TIME? 7-5MODule:LRESistance 7-5MODule:O
7-2Calibration CommandsCalibration CommandsThis section briefly explains the calibration of the instrument. It is intended to give you and the calibra
7-3Calibration CommandsYou initiate a module calibration from the Modules tab on the All Calibrations dialog box or by sending the :CALibrate:MODule:V
7-4Calibration CommandsCANCelCAUTION The input circuits can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Avoid applying static discharges to the front
7-5Calibration CommandsFRAMe:LABelFRAMe:LABelCommand :CALibrate:FRAMe:LABel <label>This command is intended for user notes, such as name/initial
7-6Calibration CommandsMODule:OCONversion?MODule:OCONversion?Query :CALibrate:MODule:OCONversion? {LMODule | RMODule | CHANnel<N>},{WAVelength 1
7-7Calibration CommandsMODule:STATus?MODule:STATus?Query :CALibrate:MODule:STATus?{LMODule | RMODule}This query returns the status of the module calib
1-12IntroductionStatus Reportingbit 6 as the Request Service (RQS) bit and clears the bit which clears the SRQ interrupt. The *STB? query reads bit 6
7-8Calibration CommandsPROBeThis command sets the dc level of the calibrator signal output through the front-panel CAL connector. Example This example
7-9Calibration CommandsSDONe?This command enables or disables the samplers in the module.Example The following example enables sampler calibration for
7-10Calibration CommandsSKEW:AUTOSKEW:AUTOCommand CALibrate:SKEW:AUTOThis command sets the horizontal skew of multiple, active channels with the same
8BANDwidth 8-2DISPlay 8-2FDEScription? 8-3FILTer 8-3FSELect 8-3OFFSet 8-4PROBe 8-4PROBe:CALibrate 8-4PROBe:SELect 8-5RANGe 8-5SCALe 8-6TDRSkew 8-6UNIT
8-2Channel CommandsBANDwidthChannel CommandsThe CHANnel subsystem commands control all vertical (Y axis) functions of the analyzer. You may toggle the
8-3Channel CommandsFDEScription?10 OUTPUT 707;"SYSTEM:HEADER OFF"20 OUTPUT 707;":CHANNEL1:DISPLAY?"30 ENTER 707;DisplayFDEScriptio
8-4Channel CommandsOFFSetExample The following example places the current setting of the filter in the string variable, Filter$10 DIM Filter$[50] !Dim
8-5Channel CommandsPROBe:SELectThis command starts the probe’s calibration for the selected channel. It has the same action as the command :CALibrate:
8-6Channel CommandsSCALeis set to differential or common mode, or when OHM, REFLect, or GAIN units are selected, the instrument will change scale to m
8-7Channel CommandsUNITsThis command sets the TDR skew for the given channel. The TDR skew control moves the TDR step relative to the trigger position
1-13IntroductionStatus ReportingThe use of bit 6 can be confusing. This bit was defined to cover all possible computer inter-faces, including a comput
8-8Channel CommandsWAVelengthWAVelengthCommand :CHANnel<N>:WAVelength {WAVelength1 | WAVelength2 | WAVelength3 | USER}This command sets the wave
9CLBandwidth 9-4CRATe 9-5INPut 9-5LBANdwidth 9-5LBWMode 9-6LOCKed? 9-6ODRatio 9-7ODRatio:AUTO 9-7RATE 9-7RDIVider 9-9RELock 9-9SPResent? 9-9TDENsity?
9-2Clock Recovery CommandsClock Recovery CommandsThe Clock RECovery (CREC) subsystem commands control the clock recovery modules. This includes settin
9-3Clock Recovery Commandsfixed. For the external output, the loop bandwidth is 4 to 5 MHz. On 83491/2/3A modules, the internal triggering loop bandwi
9-4Clock Recovery CommandsCLBandwidthCLBandwidthCommand(83496A Option 300):CRECovery{1 | 3}:CLBandwidth <bandwidth>This 83496A Option 300 comman
9-5Clock Recovery CommandsCRATeCRATeCommand(83496A):CRECovery{1 | 3}:CRATe <data_rate>This 83496A command sets or queries an 83496A module’s dat
9-6Clock Recovery CommandsLBWModeReturned Format [:CRECovery{1 | 3}:LBANdwidth] {BW270KHZ | BW300KHZ | BW1500KHZ | BW4MHZ | CONTinuous}<NL>LBWMo
9-7Clock Recovery CommandsODRatioExample 10 OUTPUT 707;":CRECOVERY1:LOCKED?"ODRatioCommand(83496A):CRECovery{1 | 3}:ODRatio <divide_ratio
9-8Clock Recovery CommandsRATE[:CRECovery{1 | 3}:RATE] {TOData | R155 | R622 | R1062 | R1250 | R2125 | R2488 | R2500 | R2666 | R9953 | R10312 | R10664
9-9Clock Recovery CommandsRDIViderRDIViderCommand(83496A Opt. 300):CRECovery{1 | 3}:RDIVider <divide_ratio>This 83496A Option 300 command sets o
1-14IntroductionStatus ReportingFigure 1-4. Status Reporting Data Structures
9-10Clock Recovery CommandsTDENsity?TDENsity?Query(83496A):CRECovery{1 | 3}:TDENsity?Use this 83496A query with 83496A modules to return the calculate
10CDIRectory 10-2DELete 10-2DIRectory? 10-3LOAD 10-3MDIRectory 10-4PWAVeform:LOAD 10-4PWAVeform:PPBit 10-5PWAVeform:RANGe 10-5PWAVeform:RANGe:STARt 10
10-2Disk CommandsCDIRectoryDisk CommandsThe DISK subsystem commands allow storage and retrieval of waveforms and setups, remote screen captures, as we
10-3Disk CommandsDIRectory?The file “D:\User Files” cannot be deleted.NOTE This command operates only on files and directories on “D:\User Files” (C:
10-4Disk CommandsMDIRectorytion is not saved in jitter data or color grade-gray scale memory files. If you plan on loading these files back into the i
10-5Disk CommandsPWAVeform:PPBitLoads a pattern waveform file into color gray-scale memory. If the pattern waveform file con-tains data from several s
10-6Disk CommandsPWAVeform:RANGe:STOPReturned Format [:DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe:STARt] <bit_number><NL>Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":DISK:PWAVE
10-7Disk CommandsSIMageSIMageCommand :DISK:SIMage "<filename>"[,<area> [,<image>]]This command remotely captures images of
10-8Disk CommandsSPARameter:SAVEThis parameter specifies which color scheme is to be used during the screen save operation. The default value is INVer
10-9Disk CommandsSTOReLine 3 begins with the # character. The <frequency units> specifies Hz, KHz, MHz, or GHz. The <parameter> field spec
1-15IntroductionStatus ReportingStatus Reporting Data Structures (continued)
10-10Disk CommandsSTOReNOTE In Jitter Mode, this command generates a “Settings conflict” error if sources other than SETup and JDSource are specified.
11CGRade:LEVels? 11-2CONNect 11-2DATA? 11-3DCOLor (Default COLor) 11-3GRATicule 11-3JITTer:BATHtub:YSCale 11-4JITTer:GRAPh 11-4JITTer:HISTogram:YSCale
11-2Display CommandsCGRade:LEVels?Display CommandsThe DISPlay subsystem controls the display of data, markers, text, graticules, and the use of color.
11-3Display CommandsDATA?DATA?Query :DISPlay:DATA? [<format>[,<screen_mode> [,<inversion>]]]Returns an image of the current display
11-4Display CommandsJITTer:BATHtub:YSCale[:DISPlay:GRATicule:INTensity] <value><NL>Example This example places the current display graticu
11-5Display CommandsJITTer:LAYoutJITTer:LAYoutCommand :DISPlay:JITTer:LAYout {SINGle|SPLit|QUAD}This command sets the number of graphs displayed when
11-6Display CommandsLABelQuery :DISPlay:JITTer:SHADe?Returned Format [:DISPlay:JITTer:SHADe] {{ON | 1}|{OFF | 0}}<NL>Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:DIS
11-7Display CommandsRRATeQuery :DISPlay:PERSistence?The query returns the current persistence value.Returned Format [:DISPlay:PERSistence] {MINimum |
11-8Display CommandsSCOLorCHANnel3 | CHANnel4 | GRID | IMEasurement | MARGin | MARKers | MASK | MEASurements | WBACkgrnd | WOVerlap | WMEMories | WINT
11-9Display CommandsSSAVer<luminosity> The luminosity control sets the color brightness of the chosen display element. A 100% lumi-nosity is the
2Notices© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2000-2005No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic stor-age and
1-16IntroductionStatus ReportingThis BASIC example uses the *STB? query to read the contents of the instrument’s Status Byte Register when none of the
11-10Display CommandsSSAVer
12ADD 12-3DIFF 12-3DISPlay 12-3FUNCtion<N>? 12-3HORizontal 12-4HORizontal:POSition 12-4HORizontal:RANGe 12-5INVert 12-5MAGNify 12-5MAXimum 12-5M
12-2Function CommandsFunction CommandsThe FUNCtion subsystem defines up to four functions: 1 through 4. The function is indicated in the FUNCtion<N
12-3Function CommandsADDADDCommand :FUNCtion<N>:ADD <operand>,<operand>Defines a function that adds source 1 to source 2, point by p
12-4Function CommandsHORizontalThe <operator> is any active math operation for the selected function. The <operand> is any allowable sourc
12-5Function CommandsHORizontal:RANGe40 ENTER 707;ValueHORizontal:RANGeCommand :FUNCtion<N>:HORizontal:RANGe <range_value>This command set
12-6Function CommandsMINimumThis command defines a function that computes the maximum value of the operand wave-form in each time bucket. Restrictions
12-7Function CommandsPEELingNOTE This query returns the current offset value of the specified function only when the respective function display is ON
12-8Function CommandsVERSusExample This example defines a function that subtracts waveform memory 1 from channel 1.10 OUTPUT 707;":FUNCTION1:SUBT
12-9Function CommandsVERTical:RANGeVERTical:RANGeCommand :FUNCtion<N>:VERTical:RANGe <full_scale_range>This command defines the full-scale
1-17IntroductionStatus ReportingTable 1-5. Status Reporting Bit Definition (1 of 2)Bit Description DefinitionACQ Acquisition Indicates that acquisitio
12-10Function CommandsVERTical:RANGe
13AREA 13-2DPRinter 13-2FACTors 13-3IMAGe 13-3PRINters? 13-4Hardcopy Commands
13-2Hardcopy CommandsAREAHardcopy CommandsThe HARDcopy subsystem commands set various parameters for printing the screen. The print sequence is activa
13-3Hardcopy CommandsFACTorsThe query returns the current printer number and string.Returned Format [:HARDcopy:DPRinter?] {<printer_number>,<
13-4Hardcopy CommandsPRINters?PRINters?Query :HARDcopy:PRINters?This query returns the currently available printers.Returned Format [:HARDcopy:PRINter
14AXIS 14-2MODE 14-3SCALe:SIZE 14-3SOURce 14-4WINDow:BORDer 14-4WINDow:DEFault 14-4WINDow:SOURce 14-4WINDow:X1Position 14-5WINDow:X2Position 14-5WINDo
14-2Histogram CommandsAXISHistogram CommandsThe Histogram commands and queries control the histogram features. A histogram is a prob-ability distribut
14-3Histogram CommandsMODE10 OUTPUT 707;”:HISTOGRAM:AXIS VERTICAL” Query :HISTogram:AXIS?The query returns the currently selected histogram axis.Retur
14-4Histogram CommandsSOURceSOURceCommand :HISTogram:SOURce {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | RESPonse<N> | CGMemory}This command selects
14-5Histogram CommandsWINDow:X1Positionuntil the histogram database is cleared. <N> is an integer, 1through 4. The :WINDow:SOURce command serves
1-18IntroductionStatus ReportingStandard Event Status RegisterThe Standard Event Status Register (SESR) monitors the following instrument status event
14-6Histogram CommandsWINDow:Y1Position30 ENTER 707;X2$WINDow:Y1PositionCommand :HISTogram:WINDow:Y1Position <Y1 position>This command moves the
15FAIL 15-2JITTer 15-2LLIMit 15-3MNFound 15-3RUNTil 15-4SOURce 15-4SSCReen 15-5SSCReen:AREA 15-6SSCReen:IMAGe 15-7SSUMmary 15-7SWAVeform 15-8SWAVeform
15-2Limit Test CommandsFAILLimit Test CommandsThe Limit Test commands and queries control the limit test features of the analyzer. Limit testing autom
15-3Limit Test CommandsLLIMitcleared and the new measurement to be added. All measurements may be cleared by execut-ing the :MEASure:CLEar command. Us
15-4Limit Test CommandsRUNTilQuery :LTESt:MNFound?The query returns the current action set by the command.Returned Format [:LTESt:MNFound] {FAIL | PAS
15-5Limit Test CommandsSSCReenExample The following example selects the first measurement as the source for the limit testing com-mands.10 OUTPUT 707;
15-6Limit Test CommandsSSCReen:AREAcommand. If the results of consecutive limit tests must be stored in different files, omit the <filename> par
15-7Limit Test CommandsSSCReen:IMAGeExample This example selects the graticule for printing.10 OUTPUT 707;":LTESt:SSCReen:AREA GRATICULE"Que
15-8Limit Test CommandsSWAVeform10 OUTPUT 707;”:LTEST:SSUMMARY DISK,TEST”Query :LTESt:SSUMmary?The query returns the current specified destination for
15-9Limit Test CommandsSWAVeform:RESetSWAVeform:RESetCommand :LTESt:SWAVeform:RESetThis command sets the save destination for all waveforms to OFF. Se
1-19IntroductionStatus ReportingStandard Event Status Enable RegisterFor any of the Standard Event Status Register (SESR) bits to generate a summary b
15-10Limit Test CommandsULIMit30 ENTER 707;ULIM$
16PROPagation 16-2REACtance? 16-2REFerence 16-2RPANnotation 16-3STATe 16-3X1Position 16-3X1Y1source 16-4X2Position 16-4X2Y2source 16-5XDELta? 16-5XUNI
16-2Marker CommandsPROPagationMarker CommandsThe commands in the MARKer subsystem are used to specify and query the settings of the time markers (X ax
16-3Marker CommandsRPANnotationSpecifies the marker reference for TDR and TDT style markers. If the references is TRIGger, then all horizontal axis ma
16-4Marker CommandsX1Y1sourceThis command sets the X1 marker position, and moves the X1 marker to the specified time with respect to the trigger time,
16-5Marker CommandsX2Y2sourceX2Y2sourceCommand :MARKer:X2Y2source {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | RESPonse<N> | WMEMory<N>}This co
16-6Marker CommandsY2PositionReturned Format [:MARKer:Y1Position] <Y1_position><NL>Example This example sets the Y1 marker to 10 mV.10 OUT
17ALIGn 17-3 SCALe:SOURce? 17-8AMEThod 17-3 SCALe:X1 17-8AOPTimize 17-3 SCALe:XDELta 17-9COUNt:FAILures? 17-4 SCALe:Y1 17-9COUNt:FSAMples? 17-4 SCALe:
17-2Mask Test CommandsMask Test CommandsThe Mask Test commands and queries control the mask test features. Mask testing automati-cally compares measur
17-3Mask Test CommandsALIGnALIGnCommand :MTESt:ALIGnThis command automatically aligns and scales the mask to the current waveform. Example 10 OUTPUT 7
1-20IntroductionStatus ReportingAcquisition Event Register (AER)Bit 0 (COMP) of the Acquisition Event Register is set when the acquisition limits comp
17-4Mask Test CommandsCOUNt:FAILures?COUNt:FAILures?Query :MTESt:COUNt:FAILures? REGion<N>The query returns the number of failures that occurred
17-5Mask Test CommandsCOUNt:SAMPles?Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:SYSTEM:HEADER OFF”20 OUTPUT 707;”:MTEST:COUNT:HITS? MARGin”COUNt:SAMPles?Query :MTESt:COUN
17-6Mask Test CommandsMASK:DELetecan specify the entire path, or use a relative path such as “.” or “..” If you use a relative path, the present worki
17-7Mask Test CommandsSAVEThis command selects the acquisition run until mode. The acquisition may be set to run until n fsamples have been acquired o
17-8Mask Test CommandsSCALe:MODESCALe:MODECommand :MTESt:SCALe:MODE {XANDY| XONLy}This command sets the mask scaling mode. This command should be used
17-9Mask Test CommandsSCALe:XDELtaSCALe:XDELtaCommand :MTESt:SCALe:XDELta <xdelta_value>This command defines the position of the X2 marker with
17-10Mask Test CommandsSOURceY = (Y × (Y2 – Y1)) + Y1Thus, if you set Y1 to 100 mV, and Y2 to 1 V, a Y value of .100 in a vertex is at 190 mV.<y2_
17-11Mask Test CommandsSSCReen:AREAcommand. If the results of consecutive limit tests must be stored in different files, omit the <filename> par
17-12Mask Test CommandsSSCReen:IMAGeSSCReen:IMAGeCommand :MTESt:SSCReen:IMAGe {NORMal | INVert | MONochrome}This command saves the screen image to dis
17-13Mask Test CommandsSWAVeformNOTE Compatibility with the Agilent 83480A/54750A. The :MTESt:TEST ON command serves the same function and has been re
1-21IntroductionStatus Reportingenabled conditions in the Jitter Event Register has occurred. You can mask the EFAIL, JLOSS, and AREQD bits, thus prev
17-14Mask Test CommandsTESTThis command sets the save destination for all waveforms to OFF. Setting a source to OFF removes any waveform save action f
18ANNotation 18-3 HISTogram:MEAN? 18-17 JITTer:TJ:DEFine 18-25APOWer 18-4 HISTogram:MEDian? 18-17 JITTer:UNITs 18-26CGRade:AMPLitude 18-4 HISTogram:PE
18-2Measure CommandsMeasure CommandsThe commands in the MEASure subsystem are used to make parametric measurements on displayed waveforms. The 86100C
18-3Measure CommandsANNotationvalues are used in the rise-time and fall-time measurements when standard measurements are selected. The 50% voltage val
18-4Measure CommandsAPOWerAPOWerCommand :MEASure:APOWer <units> [,<source>]Measures the average power. Sources are specified with the MEAS
18-5Measure CommandsCGRade:COMPlete<value> The bit rate.If SENDvalid is ON, the <result_state> is returned with the measurement result. Re
18-6Measure CommandsCGRade:CROSsingReturned Format [:MEASure:CGRade:CRATio] <value>[,<result_state>]<NL><value> is the contras
18-7Measure CommandsCGRade:EHEightMeasures the duty cycle of the RZ (Return-to-Zero) eye diagram on the color graded display. If the source is not set
18-8Measure CommandsCGRade:ERFactorCGRade:ERFactorCommand :MEASure:CGRade:ERFactor CHANnel<N>,{ON|OFF}[,<correction_factor>]Turns on or of
18-9Measure CommandsCGRade:JITTerReturned Format [:MEASure:CGRade:EWIDth] <value>[,<result_state>] <NL><value> is the eye widt
1-22IntroductionStatus ReportingOutput Queue The output queue stores the instrument-to-computer responses that are generated by cer-tain instrument co
18-10Measure CommandsCGRade:PEAK?Mode Eye mode only.Query :MEASure:CGRade:OLEVel? [<source>]The query returns the logic one level of the color g
18-11Measure CommandsCGRade:ZLEVelSets the default source for color grade-gray scale measurements. If this source is not set, the lowest numbered colo
18-12Measure CommandsDEFine{UNITs,<upper_volts>,<middle_volts>,<lower_volts>}}Where <upper_pct>, <middle_pct>, and <l
18-13Measure CommandsDELTatimeTOPBase:MEASure:DEFine TOPBase,{{STANdard} |{<top_volts>,<base_volts>}}<top_volts> and <base_volts&
18-14Measure CommandsDUTYcycleMeasures the time delay between two edges. If no source is specified, then the sources spec-ified using the :MEASure:SOU
18-15Measure CommandsFREQuencyMeasures the time at the upper threshold of the falling edge, measures the time at the lower threshold of the falling ed
18-16Measure CommandsHISTogram:HITS?<value> is the frequency value, in Hertz, of the first complete cycle on the screen using the mid-threshold
18-17Measure CommandsHISTogram:M3S?HISTogram:M3S?Query :MEASure:HISTogram:M3S? [{HISTogram}]Returns the percentage of points that are within three sta
18-18Measure CommandsHISTogram:PP?<value> is the width of the histogram. If SENDvalid is ON, the <result_state> is returned with the measu
18-19Measure CommandsHISTogram:STDDev?Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:SYSTEM:HEADER OFF”20 OUTPUT 707;”:MEASURE:HISTOGRAM:SCALE?”HISTogram:STDDev?Query :MEASU
1-23IntroductionCommand SyntaxCommand SyntaxIn accordance with IEEE 488.2, the instrument’s commands are grouped into “subsystems.” Commands in each s
18-20Measure CommandsJITTer:DDJVsbit:EARLiest?Returned Format [:MEASure:JITTer:DDJVsbit] <value><NL>Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:SYSTEM:HEADER
18-21Measure CommandsJITTer:EDGElist of edges, if all of the data needed to determine the pattern has not yet been acquired. This query produces an er
18-22Measure CommandsJITTer:FREQuency:MAXNumberReturned Format [:MEASure:JITTer:FREQuency:COMPonents] <string><NL>The following is an exam
18-23Measure CommandsJITTer:LEVel:DEFineExample 10 OUTPUT 707;”:SYSTEM:HEADER OFF”20 OUTPUT 707;”:MEASure:JITTer:LEVel?”JITTer:LEVel:DEFineCommand :ME
18-24Measure CommandsJITTer:PJRMS?JITTer:PJRMS?Query :MEASure:JITTer:PJRMS?Returns the periodic jitter value, RJ (rms), measured on the current source
18-25Measure CommandsJITTer:SIGNalReturned Format [:MEASure:JITTer:RJSValue] <RJ_set_num><NL>Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:SYSTEM:HEADER OFF”20
18-26Measure CommandsJITTer:UNITsJITTer:UNITsCommand :MEASure:JITTer:UNITs {SECond|UINTerval}Sets the units used for jitter mode measurements, seconds
18-27Measure CommandsPERiodelse overshoot = (Vbase – Local Vmin) / Vamplitude.Mode Oscilloscope mode only<source> {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion&l
18-28Measure CommandsRESults?Measures the width of the first positive pulse on the screen using the mid-threshold levels of the waveform (50% levels w
18-29Measure CommandsRESults?<result list> A list of the measurement results, as in Table 18-2, separated with commas.Example This example place
1-24IntroductionCommand Syntax.White Space White space is defined to be one or more characters from the ASCII set of 0 through 32 deci-mal, excluding
18-30Measure CommandsRESults?Table 18-3. Result StatesCode Result Description0 RESULT_CORRECT Result correct. No problem found.1 RESULT_QUESTIONABLE R
18-31Measure CommandsRISetimeRISetimeCommand :MEASure:RISetime [<source>]Measures the rise time of the first displayed edge by measuring the tim
18-32Measure CommandsSOURceSee Also Refer to the MEASure:RESults query for information on the results returned and how they are affected by the SENDva
18-33Measure CommandsTDR:AVERageExample This example returns the time interval between the trigger event and the 90% threshold on the second rising ed
18-34Measure CommandsTMAXReturns the minimum impedance (Y-axis ) value that is to the right side of the reference plane.Returned Format [:MEASure:TDR:
18-35Measure CommandsTVOLt?NOTE When receiving numeric data into numeric variables, turn off the headers. Otherwise, the headers may cause misinterpre
18-36Measure CommandsVAVerage<value> is the cCalculated difference between the top and base voltage. If SENDvalid is ON, the <result_state>
18-37Measure CommandsVMAXVMAXCommand :MEASure:VMAX [<source>]Measures the absolute maximum voltage present on the selected source waveform. The
18-38Measure CommandsVRMSMeasures the maximum and minimum voltages on the selected source, then calculates the peak-to-peak voltage as the difference
18-39Measure CommandsVTIMe?VTIMe?Query :MEASure:VTIMe? <time> [,<source>]Returns the measured voltage. <time> is the time interval b
1-25IntroductionCommand SyntaxNumbers Some commands require number arguments. All numbers are expected to be strings of ASCII characters. You can use
18-40Measure CommandsVTOP
19TDRSparam 19-3MAGGraph:HORizontal:STARt 19-3MAGGraph:HORizontal:SPAN 19-3MAGGraph:VERTical:MAXimum 19-4MAGGraph:VERTical:MINimum 19-4MARKer:X1STate
19-2S-Parameter CommandsS-Parameter CommandsThis subsystem provides support for the S-parameter features, which are part of Option 202, Enhanced Imped
19-3S-Parameter CommandsTDRSparamIf you move the reference plane to the second display division to the right of the display's left edge, only dat
19-4S-Parameter CommandsMAGGraph:VERTical:MAXimumSets the frequency span of the S-parameters graph.Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":SPAR:MAGG:HOR:SPAN 5.0
19-5S-Parameter CommandsMARKer:X2SourceQuery The query returns only the short form of the command. For example CHAN1, RESP1, WMEM1, or FUNC1. The long
19-6S-Parameter CommandsMARKer:Y2Position?MARKer:Y2Position?Command :SPARameter:MARKer:Y2Position?Queries the amplitude value (Y2) of the X2 marker.Qu
20LFEQualizer 20-2LFEQualizer:BANDwidth 20-3LFEQualizer:BWMode 20-3LFEQualizer:FDELay 20-3LFEQualizer:NTAPs 20-3LFEQualizer:TAP 20-4LFEQualizer:TAP:AU
20-2Signal Processing CommandsLFEQualizerSignal Processing CommandsThe Signal Processing subsystem is used to control the signal processing applicatio
20-3Signal Processing CommandsLFEQualizer:BANDwidthExample 10 OUTPUT 707;":SPROCESSING:LFEQUALIZER ON"LFEQualizer:BANDwidthCommand :SPRocess
ContentsContents-11 IntroductionIntroduction 1-2Starting a Program 1-4Multiple Databases 1-6Files 1-8Status Reporting 1-11Command Syntax 1-23Interface
1-26IntroductionCommand SyntaxDefinite-Length Block Response DataDefinite-length block response data allows any type of device-dependent data to be tr
20-4Signal Processing CommandsLFEQualizer:TAPLFEQualizer:TAPCommand :SPRocessing:LFEQualizer:TAP <tap_number>, <tap_value>Sets or queries
20-5Signal Processing CommandsMATLabMATLabCommand :SPRocessing:MATLab {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}Turns on and off the MATLAB Filter application. If MATLAB is n
20-6Signal Processing CommandsSOURce:Query :SPRocessing:OUTPut?Returned Format [:SPRocessing:OUTPut] {FUNCtion<n>}<NL>Example 10 OUTPUT 70
21DCALib 21-2HPOLarity 21-2NVALid? 21-3PRESet 21-3RATE 21-3RESPonse 21-4RESPonse:CALibrate 21-4RESPonse:CALibrate:CANCel 21-5RESPonse:CALibrate:CONTin
21-2TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)DCALibTDR/TDT CommandsThe TDR/TDT command subsystem documents the commands used to set up TDR/TDT mea-sur
21-3TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)NVALid?Query :TDR{2 | 4}:HPOLarity?Returned Format [:TDR{2 | 4}:HPOLarity] {POSitive | NEGative}<NL&g
21-4TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonseThis command sets the period of the TDR pulse generator. You should usually leave this set to AUT
21-5TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonse:CALibrate:CANCelwaveform, while the response waveforms are numbered based on the destination cha
21-6TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonse:HORizontalRESPonse:HORizontalCommand :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse<N>:HORizontal {AUTO | MANual} Th
21-7TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonse:RISetimeExample 10 OUTPUT 707;":TDR2:RESPONSE1:HORIZONTAL MANUAL"20 OUTPUT 707;":
1-27IntroductionCommand SyntaxWhen you read the result of multiple queries into string variables, each response is separated by a semicolon. For examp
21-8TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonse:TDRTDTQuery :TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 3}:TDRDest? The query returns the current TDR destination
21-9TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonse:VERTicalNONE Deselects a channel as a TDT destination. This frees the channel to be the TDT des
21-10TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)RESPonse:VERTical:RANGeQuery The information reterned from the query is only valid when the vertical tra
21-11TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)STIMulusended TDR or TDT measurements. DIFFerential turns on the pulse generator for channels 1 and 2 or
21-12TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.05.00 and Below)STIMulus
22CONNect 22-4DUT:DIRection 22-4DUT:TYPE 22-4RESPonse:CALibrate 22-5RESPonse:DISPlay 22-6RESPonse:RISetime 22-6RESPonse:RPLane? 22-7RESPonse:TYPE 22-7
22-2TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)TDR/TDT CommandsWith the introduction of software revision A.06.00, extensive changes were made to the TD
22-3TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)Module Channel IdentificationIn previous software revisions, each TDR/TDT subsystem command identified th
22-4TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)CONNectCONNectCommand :TDR:CONNect CHANnel<N>, {DUTPort<N> | NONE}Enters the measurement setu
22-5TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)RESPonse:CALibrateRestrictions Software revision A.06.00 and above. TDR mode.Example 10 OUTPUT 707;"
1-28IntroductionCommand SyntaxThe colon between CHANNEL1 and RANGE is necessary because CHANNEL1:RANGE spec-ifies a command in a subsystem. The semico
22-6TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)RESPonse:DISPlayRESPonse:DISPlayCommand :TDR:RESPonse<N>:DISPlay {ON | 1 | OFF | 0 }Turns on or off
22-7TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)RESPonse:RPLane?RESPonse:RPLane?Query :TDR:RESPonse<N>:RPLane?Queries the reference plane position
22-8TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)RESPonse:VERTicalwhere Z0 equals 50 ohms in the 86100C.A settings conflict error is reported if no stimul
22-9TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)RESPonse:VLOad?This command specifies the vertical range of the TDR/TDT response and changes the vertical
22-10TDR/TDT Commands (Rev. A.06.00 and Above)STIMulus:MODEExample 10 OUTPUT 707;":TDR:STIM:EXT:POL POS, NEG"Query The query always returns
23BRATe 23-2MPOSition 23-2POSition 23-2PRECision 23-3PRECision:RFRequency 23-3PRECision:TREFerence 23-4RANGe 23-4REFerence 23-4SCALe 23-5UNITs 23-5Tim
23-2Timebase CommandsBRATeTimebase CommandsThe TIMebase subsystem commands control the horizontal (X axis) analyzer functions. BRATeCommand :TIMebase:
23-3Timebase CommandsPRECisionThis command sets the time interval between the trigger event and the delay reference point. The delay reference point i
23-4Timebase CommandsPRECision:TREFerencePRECision:TREFerenceNOTE The Precision Timebase feature requires the installation of the Agilent 86107A Preci
23-5Timebase CommandsSCALeQuery :TIMebase:REFerence?The query returns the current delay reference position.Returned Format [:TIMebase:REFerence] {LEFT
1-29IntroductionCommand SyntaxFigure 1-5. Command Tree
24ATTenuation 24-2BRATe 24-2BRATe:AUTodetect 24-2BWLimit 24-3DCDRatio 24-3DCDRatio:AUTodetect 24-3GATed 24-3HYSTeresis 24-4LEVel 24-4PLENgth 24-4PLENg
24-2Trigger CommandsATTenuationTrigger CommandsThe scope trigger circuitry helps you locate the waveform you want to view. Edge triggering identifies
24-3Trigger CommandsBWLimitBWLimitCommand :TRIGger:BWLimit {DIVided | HIGH | LOW}This command controls an internal lowpass filter and a divider in the
24-4Trigger CommandsHYSTeresisHYSTeresisCommand :TRIGger:HYSTeresis {NORMal | HSENsitivity}This command specifies the trigger hysteresis . NORMal is t
24-5Trigger CommandsPLOCkPLOCkCommand TRIGger:PLOCk {{ON | 1} | {OFF | 0}}This command enables or disables pattern lock. When pattern lock is turned
24-6Trigger CommandsSLOPeSLOPeCommand :TRIGger:SLOPe {POSitive | NEGative}This command specifies the slope of the edge on which to trigger.Query :TRIG
25BANDpass? 25-3BYTeorder 25-3COUNt? 25-4DATA 25-4FORMat 25-5POINts? 25-7PREamble 25-7SOURce 25-9SOURce:CGRade 25-10TYPE? 25-10XDISplay? 25-11XINCreme
25-2Waveform CommandsWaveform CommandsThe WAVeform subsystem is used to transfer waveform data between a computer and the analyzer. It contains comman
25-3Waveform CommandsBANDpass?Conversion from Data Value to UnitsTo convert the waveform data values (essentially A/D counts) to real-world units, suc
1-30IntroductionCommand SyntaxCommand Tree (Continued)
25-4Waveform CommandsCOUNt?20 OUTPUT 707;":WAVEFORM:BYTEORDER?"30 ENTER 707;Setting$COUNt?Query :WAVeform:COUNt?This query returns the fewes
25-5Waveform CommandsFORMat10 OUTPUT 707 USING "#,K";:WAVEFORM:DATA #800001000"20 OUTPUT 707 USING "W";Set(*)NOTE BASIC Image
25-6Waveform CommandsFORMatASCii ASCII formatted data consists of ASCII digits with each data value separated by a comma. Data values can be converted
25-7Waveform CommandsPOINts?POINts?Query :WAVeform:POINts?The query returns the points value in the current waveform preamble. The points value is the
25-8Waveform CommandsPREamble<x units><y units>0 for UNKNOWN units. 1 for VOLT units. 2 for SECOND units. 3 for CONSTANT units. 4 for AMP
25-9Waveform CommandsSOURceSOURceCommand :WAVeform:SOURce {WMEMory<N> | FUNCtion<N> | CHANnel<N> | HISTogram | RESPonse<N> |
25-10Waveform CommandsSOURce:CGRadethe settings valid during the TDR normalization procedure. In the case of a mismatch, the TDR response is not displ
25-11Waveform CommandsXDISplay?NORMAL data consists of the last data point in each time bucket. RAW data consists of one data point in each time bucke
25-12Waveform CommandsXRANge?Returned Format [:WAVeform:XORigin] <value><NL><value> is a real number representing the X-axis value o
25-13Waveform CommandsYINCrement?Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:HEADER OFF”20 OUTPUT 707;":WAVEFORM:YDISPLAY?"YINCrement?Query :WAVefor
1-31IntroductionCommand SyntaxCommand Tree (Continued)
25-14Waveform CommandsYUNits?This query returns the level associated with the Y origin for the currently specified source. It is at this level that th
26DISPlay 26-2LOAD 26-2SAVE 26-3XOFFset 26-3XRANge 26-3YOFFset 26-3YRANge 26-4Waveform Memory Commands
26-2Waveform Memory CommandsDISPlayWaveform Memory CommandsThe Waveform Memory Subsystem commands allow you to save and display waveforms, memories, a
26-3Waveform Memory CommandsSAVESAVE Command :WMEMory<N>:SAVE {CHANnel<N> | WMEMory<N> | FUNCtion<N> | RESPonse<N>}This
26-4Waveform Memory CommandsYRANgeQuery :WMEMory<N>:YOFFset?The query returns the current y-axis (vertical) offset for the selected waveform mem
IndexIndex-1Aaborting a digitize operation, 1-5, 1-35Acquire Commands, 6-2AVERage, 6-2BEST, 6-2COUNt, 6-2LTESt, 6-3POINts, 6-3RUNTil, 6-4SSCReen, 6-4S
Index-2IndexTDRSkew, 8-6UNITs, 8-7UNITs ATTenuation, 8-7UNITs OFFSet, 8-7WAVelength, 8-8channel-to-channel skew factor, 7-9CLEar, 18-11clearingbuffers
Index-3IndexSIMage, 10-7SINGle, 4-13SKEW, 7-9SOURce, 15-4, 18-32SOURce CGRade, 25-10SSAVer, 11-9SSAVer AAFTer, 11-9SSCReen, 6-4, 15-5, 17-10SSCReen AR
Index-4IndexDATA?, 11-3DCOLor, 11-3FSFRequency, 11-5GRAPh, 11-4GRATicule, 11-3GRATicule INTensity, 11-3LABel, 11-6LABel DALL, 11-6LAYout, 11-5PERSiste
Index-5Indexel, 1-11IEEE 488.2 standard, 1-2IMAGe, 6-6, 15-7, 17-12image specifiersand DATA, 25-5and PREamble, 25-8-K, 5-7infinity representation, 1-2
1-32IntroductionCommand SyntaxCommand Tree (Continued)
Index-6IndexMask Test Event Enable Register, 4-7,4-10, 4-11Mask Test Event Register, 1-21, 4-10,4-12mask, Service Request Enable Register,3-12Master
Index-7Indexparametric measurements, 18-2parserresetting, 1-35passing values across the bus, 1-26pattern waveforms, 10-6PEAK?, 18-10peak-to-peak volta
Index-8IndexSCALe?, 8-6SCOLor?, 11-9SDONe?, 7-9SERial?, 4-13SETup?, 5-7SKEW?, 7-9SOURce?, 14-5, 15-5, 18-11, 18-32SPResent?, 9-9SSAVer AAFTer?, 11-9SS
Index-9IndexSOURce?, 17-8X1, 17-8XDELta, 17-9Y1, 17-9Y2, 17-9SCALe?, 18-18SCOLor, 11-7SCPI (standard commands for program-mable instruments)standard,
Index-10IndexDCDRatio AUTodetect, 24-3Trigger Commands, 24-2BWLimit, 24-3HYSTeresis, 24-4LEVel, 24-4Trigger Event Register (TRG), 1-16trigger status,
1-33IntroductionCommand SyntaxCommand Tree (Continued)
1-34IntroductionInterface FunctionsInterface FunctionsThe interface functions deal with general bus management issues, as well as messages that can be
1-35IntroductionInterface Functionsbetween decimal 0 and 30. This instrument address is used by the computer to direct com-mands and communications to
Contents-2ContentsContents13 Hardcopy Commands14 Histogram Commands15 Limit Test Commands16 Marker Commands17 Mask Test Commands18 Measure Commands19
1-36IntroductionLanguage CompatibilityLanguage CompatibilityThis section lists Agilent 83480A commands that are not used in the 86100A/B/C.Agilent 834
1-37IntroductionLanguage Compatibility:CALibrate:PLUGin:OPTical :CALibrate:MODule:OPTical:CALibrate:PLUGin:OWAVelength :CALibrate:MODule:OWAVelength:C
1-38IntroductionLanguage Compatibility:FUNCtion<N>:DIVide No replacement:FUNCtion<N>:FFT No replacement, FFT not available:FUNCtion<N&g
1-39IntroductionLanguage Compatibility:LTESt:SSUMmary:MEDia No replacement:LTESt:SSUMmary:PFORmat No replacement:LTESt:SSUMmary:PORT No replacementMar
1-40IntroductionLanguage Compatibility:MTESt:SSCReen:DPRinter No replacement:MTESt:SSCReen:DPRinter:ADDRess No replacement:MTESt:SSCReen:DPRinter:BACK
1-41IntroductionLanguage Compatibilitya Refer to the Infiniium DCA Online Help to view information about defining custom masks.:TIMebase:DELay :TIMeba
1-42IntroductionNew and Revised CommandsNew and Revised CommandsThis section lists all new and revised commands for the 86100C. Some of these commands
1-43IntroductionNew and Revised CommandsS-Parameter CommandsTDRSparam 19-3MAGGraph:HORizontal:STARt 19-3MAGGraph:HORizontal:SPAN 19-3MAGGraph:VERTical
1-44IntroductionCommands Unavailable in Jitter ModeRESPonse:TDRTDTRESPonse:TDTDestSTIMulusTimebase CommandsMPOSition 23-2Commands Unavailable in Jitte
1-45IntroductionCommands Unavailable in Jitter ModeWAveform Memory DisplayWaveform memories cannot be turned on in Jitter mode. The following command
1Introduction 1-2Starting a Program 1-4Multiple Databases 1-6Files 1-8Status Reporting 1-11Command Syntax 1-23Interface Functions 1-34Language Compati
1-46IntroductionError MessagesError MessagesThis chapter describes the error messages and how they are generated. The possible causes for the generati
1-47IntroductionError Messagesspecific headers and incorrect or unimplemented IEEE 488.2 common commands.• A Group Execute Trigger (GET) was entered i
1-48IntroductionError Messages-104 Data type error The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed. For example, numeric or string dat
1-49IntroductionError Messages-200 Execution error This is a generic syntax error which is used if the instrument cannot detect more specific errors.
1-50IntroductionError Messages-310 System error Indicates that a system error occurred.-340 Calibration failed Indicates that a calibration has failed
2Sample C Programs 2-3init.c - Initialization 2-3init.c - Global Definitions and Main Program 2-4init.c - Initializing the Analyzer 2-4init.c - Acquir
2-2Sample ProgramsSample ProgramsEach program in this chapter demonstrates specific sets of instructions. This chapter shows you some of those functio
2-3Sample ProgramsSample C ProgramsSample C ProgramsSegments of the sample programs “init.c” and “gen_srq.c” are shown and described in this chapter.i
2-4Sample ProgramsSample C Programsinit.c - Global Definitions and Main Program/* GLOBALS */int count;double xorg,xref,xinc; /* values necessary for c
2-5Sample ProgramsSample C Programs write_IO ("*CLS"); /* clear status registers and output queue */ write_IO (":SYSTem:HEADer OFF&
1-2IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionThis chapter explains how to program the instrument. The programming syntax conforms to the IEEE 488.2 Standard
2-6Sample ProgramsSample C Programsinit.c - Making Automatic Measurements/** Function name: auto_measurements* Parameters: none* Return value: n
2-7Sample ProgramsSample C Programs period_str [bytes_read-2]);else printf ("Period is %f\n",(float)atof (period_str));/** METHOD TWO -
2-8Sample ProgramsSample C Programs* METHOD ONE - turn on results to indicate whether the measurement completed* successfully. Note that this requir
2-9Sample ProgramsSample C Programsinit.c - Transferring Data to the PC/** Function name: transfer_data* Parameters: none* Return value: none*
2-10Sample ProgramsSample C Programs header_length = atoi (header_str); /* read number of points - value in bytes */ bytes_read = read_IO (hea
2-11Sample ProgramsSample C Programsinit.c - Storing Waveform Time and Voltage Information/** Function name: store_csv* Parameters: none* Return
2-12Sample ProgramsSample C Programs* This example program initializes the Agilent 86100 scope, runs an autoscale,* then generates and responds to a
2-13Sample ProgramsSample C ProgramsThe *RST command is a common command that resets the analyzer to a known default config-uration. Using this comman
2-14Sample ProgramsSample C ProgramsGenerating a Service RequestThe following function is demonstrated in the “gen_srq.c” sample program./** Function
2-15Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample ProgramsListings of the C sample programs in this section include:• hpibdecl.
1-3IntroductionIntroductionFigure 1-1. Sample Data ProcessingThe sample data is stored in the channel memory for further processing before being dis-p
2-16Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs#ifdef AGILENT#include <sicl.h>#else #ifdef WIN95 #include <windows.h> /* include fi
2-17Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programsunsigned char read_status ( );void close_IO ( );void hpiberr ( );void srq_handler ( );init.c Sample
2-18Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs acquire_data ( ); /* capture the data */ auto_measurements ( ); /* perform automated measuremen
2-19Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs* Description: This routine acquires data according to the current instrument settings.*/void acqu
2-20Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs write_IO (":MEASure:VPP? CHANnel1"); bytes_read = read_IO (vpp_str,16L); /* read in v
2-21Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs{ int header_length; char header_str[8]; char term; char xinc_str[32],xorg_str[32],xref_str[
2-22Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs* Parameters: none* Return value: none* Description: This routine converts the waveform data t
2-23Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programsgen_srq.c Sample Program/* gen_srq.c *//* * This example programs initializes the Agilent 86100 sco
2-24Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs*/ void setup_SRQ ( ){ /* Enable Service Request Enable Register - Event Status Bit */ write_
2-25Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programssrq.c Sample Program/* file: srq.c *//* This file contains the code to handle Service Requests fro
1-4IntroductionStarting a ProgramStarting a ProgramThe commands and syntax for initializing the instrument are listed in Chapter 3, “Common Commands”.
2-26Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs if ( error_str[0] == '0' ) { /* Clear event registers
2-27Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs change_setup ( ); /* request user to change setup */ get_learnstring ( ); /* restore learnstrin
2-28Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs write_IO (":SYSTem:SETup?"); /* request learnstring */ actualcnt = read_IO (setup, MA
2-29Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs}/* end get_learnstring */sicl_IO.c Sample Program/* sicl_IO.c */#include <stdio.h> /* locatio
2-30Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programsvoid write_IO ( void *buffer ){ unsigned long actualcnt; unsigned long length; int send_end =
2-31Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programsint check_SRQ( ){ int srq_asserted; /* check for SRQ line status */ ihpibbusstatus(bu
2-32Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programsnatl_IO.c Sample Program/* natl_IO.c */#include <stdio.h> /* location of: printf ( ) */#in
2-33Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs ibclr ( scope ); /* clear the device( scope ) */ if ( ibsta & ERR) { hpiberr ("
2-34Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programsint read_IO (void *buffer,unsigned long length){
2-35Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs* Description: This routine closes device session.*/ void close_IO ( ){ ibonl ( scope,0 ); /
1-5IntroductionStarting a Program−40 millivolts.• Lines 80 through 90 configure the instrument to trigger at −0.4 volts with normal triggering.• Line
2-36Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs/** Function Name: initialize* Paramters: none* Returned value: none* Description: This method sets
2-37Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programswrite_IO("MTESt:TEST OFF"); //trun off the maks testwrite_IO("MEASure:CGRade:CROSsing
2-38Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programswrite_IO("CALibrate:SKEW:AUTO");//auto deskew the two channelswrite_IO("*OPC?");
2-39Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs70 ! PC as time/voltage pairs in a comma-separated file format useful for spreadsheet80 ! applicat
2-40Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs630 !Initialize Trigger: Edge trigger, channel1 source at -415mv640 OUTPUT @Scope;&q
2-41Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs1180 ! why the measurement failed. See the Programmer's Manual for descriptions of resu
2-42Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs1740 PRINT "Period is ";Period1750 PRINT1760 ELSE1770
2-43Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs2300 !2310 !2320 ! Subprogram name: Convert_data2330 ! Parameters: none2340 !
2-44Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs2860 ! Parameters: none2870 ! Return value: none2880 ! Description: This routine c
2-45Sample ProgramsListings of the Sample Programs390 CLEAR @Scope400 OUTPUT @Scope;"*RST"410 OUTPUT @Scope;"*CLS&
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