Agilent 86100A Wide-BandwidthOscilloscope Technical Specifications• Modular platform for testing waveforms up to 40 Gb/s• Easier to use through a simp
Multi Mode and Single Mode Optical/Electrical Modules 86101A 86103A 86105AOPTICAL CHANNEL SPECIFICATIONSOptical Channel Unfiltered Bandwidth 2.85
11Module Specifications (continued)High Bandwidth, Single Mode Optical/Electrical Modules 86106B 86109AOPTICAL CHANNEL SPECIFICATIONSOptical Channel U
12Dual Electrical Channel Modules 86112A 83484A 54753A 54754AElectrical Channel Bandwidth 12.4 and 20 GHz 26.5 and 50 GHz 12.4 and 20 GHz 12.4 and 18
1386109B 40Gb/s Optical Receiver Module Specifications0–1–2–3–4–5–686109B Typical Frequency ResponseFrequency (Hz)000.0E+0 10.0E+9 20.0E+9 30.0E+9 40.
14Factory Calibrated Accuracy ±5% ±100 nW ± connector uncertainty, 20°C to 30°CUser Calibrated Accuracy ±2% ±100 nW ± power meter uncertainty ± connec
1586100A lnfiniium DCA Mainframe, Wide Bandwidth Digital OscilloscopeOption 001 12 GHz Trigger BandwidthOption AX4 Rack Mount flange KitOption AXE Ra
Agilent Technologies’Test and Measurement Support, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizi
2Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Three Instruments in OneFor basic oscilloscope operation there is easy frontpanel acc
3measurement. With the simple-to-use 86100A, youdon’t have to relearn how to make a measurementeach time you use it. In manufacturing, it is a battle
4SuperDisk is a trademark of Imation Corporation.Configurable to Meet YourNeedsThe 86100A supports a wide rangeof plug-ins for testing both opticaland
various programs for documentation and further anal-ysis. LAN interface is also available for network filemanagement and printing.Powerful Display Mod
has two selectable bandwidthsettings. The 12.4 GHz bandwidthmode provides the best oscillo-scope noise performance. The 20GHz mode allows greater fide
7SpecificationsMainframe SpecificationsHORIZONTAL SYSTEM (Time Base)Scale Factor Full scale is ten divisions.Minimum 2 ps/divMaximum 1 s/divDelay Time
Computer System and StorageCPU 300 MHz MicroprocessorDisk Drive 5.5 GByte internal hard drive and 3.5" MS-DOS®compatible 120 MB SuperDisk floppy
Module SpecificationsOptical Channel Electrical ChannelSensitivityNumber of Unfiltered (smallest Number ofOptical Bandwidth Filter Option Data Rates
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