Agilent Technologies 54503A User's Guide Page 122

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122 Chapter2
Making Measurements
Example 9: Adjacent Channel Power Measurement
is measured with the channel power function, using the
same trace data as was used by the ACP measurement.
That means with the channel power bandwidth set to
(2×channel spacing + channel bandwidth), or 792 kHz.
The units should be W, mW, or a similar unit.
is the same as P
except the channel power
bandwidth should be equal to the channel bandwidth.
Use the same units as P
is measured in zero span with:
Resolution bandwidth........................ 300 kHz
Video bandwidth......................................3 MHz
Sweep time ............................................... 30 ms
Use the units you would like for the final answer, such
as nW.
For many users, the built-in ACP function without all the computations
gives useful information. To measure according to the standard
requires the computations shown above.
NADC Measurements of Mobiles According to the
IS-54 Standard
The following information is applicable as of February 1995. The IS-54
standard requires a measurement method that we call the gated
method. In order to make time-selective measurements, an external
TTL-type trigger input is required when using the gated method. If the
device under test does not have a trigger output, you can use the
Agilent 85902A burst trigger adapter to provide a trigger. This
accessory is connected to the signal directly (see Figure 2-56); it may be
more convenient for some users to connect the Agilent 85902A to the
second IF output (310.7 MHz) of a spectrum analyzer equipped with
Option 001. See Figure 2-57.
The IS-54 standard also requires that the received spectrum be
weighted in the same manner as it would be in a receiver. The
weighting function used is the root-raised-cosine weighting, with
parameters T and α. W is the weighting in dB. It is a function of f, the
offset of the frequency of the spectral component from the center of the
channel. The relationship is as follows:
for f
1 α
W f()0dB=,
for f
1 α+
W f() –dB=,
for all other fWf()10dB log
π 2 fT 1()
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