Agilent Technologies 54503A User's Guide Page 365

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Chapter 6 365
Programming Command Cross Reference
Programming Command Versus Front Panel Key
Mass Memory Module Commands
The following commands are available when the Agilent 85620A mass
memory module is being used with the spectrum analyzer. See the
documentation for the Agilent 85620A for more information.
Table 6-4 Mass Memory Module Commands
ABORT Controls flow of your program.
ABS Places the absolute value of the source values in the
ACTVFUNC Creates a user-defined active function.
ADD Adds the sources and sends the sum to the destination.
ARRAYDEF Defines an array.
AUTOEXEC Turns on or off the function that was defined with the
AUTOFUNC command.
AUTOFUNC Defines a function for automatic execution.
AUTOSAVE Automatically saves traces.
AVG Averages the source and the destination.
CARDLOAD Copies data from the memory card to module memory.
CARDSTORE Copies data to a memory card.
CATALOG Catalogs the files in the mass memory module or memory card.
CLRDSP Clears the display.
CLRSCHED Clears the Autosave and Autoexec Schedule buffer.
CNTLA Controls auxiliary control line A.
CNTLB Controls auxiliary control line B.
CNTLC Controls auxiliary control line C.
CNTLD Controls auxiliary control line D.
CNTLI Reads auxiliary control line I.
CTRLHPIB Allows the spectrum analyzer to control the GPIB.
DATEMODE Allows you to set the format for displaying the real-time clock.
DISPOSE Deletes user-defined functions.
DIV Divides source 1 by source 2 and places the result in the
DSPLY Displays the value of a variable on the spectrum analyzer
EDITDONE Indicates that the limit-line editing is complete.
EDITLIML Allows you to edit the current limit line.
EM Erases user display memory.
ENTER Allows thespectrum analyzer to receive data from other devices
on the GPIB.
EXP Places the exponential of the source in the destination.
FORMAT Formats a memory card using default parameters.
FUNCDEF Defines a routine consisting of spectrum analyzer commands,
assigns the routine a label, and stores the routine and its label
in the user memory.
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