Agilent Technologies 54503A User's Guide Page 206

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206 Chapter4
Key Function Descriptions
Key Descriptions
When used remotely, the MKBW command finds the
signal bandwidth at 3 dB below the on-screen marker
(if a marker is present) or the signal peak (if no
on-screen marker is present).
Front-panel key access:
6dBPOINTS When using 6dB POINTS, a peak search is performed
and the 6 dB bandwidth of the largest signal on-screen
is displayed in the message area. When used remotely,
the MKBW command finds the signal bandwidth at 6
dB below the on-screen marker (if a marker is present)
or the signal peak (if no on-screen marker is present).
Front-panel key access:
10 MHzEXT INT Allows you to select either an internal frequency
reference or your own external frequency reference. An
external reference must be 10 MHz ±100 Hz at a
nominal amplitude of 0 dBm (limits are from 2 dBm to
+10 dBm). The external reference must be connected to
connector J9 (J9 is labeled "10 MHz REF IN/OUT"), on
the rear panel. An X displayed on the left edge of the
display denotes external reference mode.
Front-panel key access:
NOTE If an external frequency reference is selected but not supplied to the
rear panel, hardware error messages are displayed. Refer to the
Chapter 8 for more information.
A-BAON OFF Turns the trace math function ABA ON or OFF.
When this function is ON, the contents of trace B are
subtracted from the contents of trace A; the result is
placed in trace A. When this function is on, the trace A
minus trace B math function is executed on all
subsequent sweeps. An M appears on the left edge of the
display to indicate the function is active.
Front-panel key access:
A+BA Sums the contents of trace A with the contents of trace
B, and places the result in trace A. This function is done
only once and not on a continuous basis.
Front-panel key access:
A-B+DLAON OFF Turns the trace math function AB+DLA ON or
OFF. When this function is ON, the contents of trace B
are subtracted from the contents of trace A and the
value of the display line is added to the result then
displayed in trace A.
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