Agilent Technologies 54503A User's Guide Page 395

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Chapter 7 395
Language Reference
ACPMETHOD Adjacent Channel Power Measurement Method
There are 600 measurement cells per sweep, so this
sets one burst RF cycle per measurement cell. This
method supports 1993 MKK standard for PDC systems
and the 1993 RCR standards for PHP systems.
2BW METHOD Two bandwidth, transient and random peak
measurement for TDMA This method is meant for
use with burst signals. The sweep time is set to 600
times the burst period. Two sweeps are made, one in
each of two resolution bandwidths and positive peak
detection is used. This method supports 1993 RCR
standard for PDC systems.
The algorithm used for this method assumes that the
power in the adjacent channels consists of two types of
power: impulsive power (transients due to enabling and
disabling the carrier power) and random power
(noise-like signals due to the intermodulation of
noise-like modulation in the main channel). The
characteristics of these two types of power change
differently with resolution bandwidth changes, so they
can be estimated algebraically from measurements in
two bandwidths.
The impulsive powers for all frequencies within each
adjacent channel are converted to an equivalent
voltage. These voltages are assumed to be in phase so
they are added to estimate a peak voltage in the
channel and a peak power is computed. The random
powers are all added within a channel to give a peak
random power. The peak random power is added to the
peak impulsive power to give a peak weighted power.
BURSTPWR METHOD Burst power, transient and random peak
average power measurement This method performs
a measurement and computation to find the impulsive
and random powers similar to the two-bandwidth
method, but using a different and faster technique. It
also computes the true power ratio between the main
and adjacent channels, without peak weighting or
assumptions about phase relationships, using an
rms-responding technique.
GATED METHOD Transient and random peak measurement for
TDMA This method is the same as the two-bandwidth
method except that the random and impulsive powers
are separated using a different technique. Gated video
techniques are used to allow a response to just the peak
of the random part of the adjacent channel power.
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