Agilent Technologies 54503A User's Guide Page 691

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Chapter 9 691
If You Have a Problem
Error Messages
ERR 124 NOP IBLK I-block format not valid here.
ERR 125 NOP STRNG Strings are not valid for this command.
ERR 126 NO ? This command cannot be queried.
ERR 127 BAD DTMD Not a valid peak detector mode.
ERR 128 PK WHAT? Not a valid peak search parameter.
ERR 129 PRE TERM Premature A-block termination.
ERR 130 BAD TDF Arguments are only for TDF command.
ERR 131 ?? AM/FM AM/FM are not valid arguments for this
ERR 132 !FAV/RMP FAV/RAMP are not valid arguments for this
ERR 133 !INT/EXT INT/EXT are not valid arguments for this
ERR 134 ??? ZERO ZERO is not a valid argument for this
ERR 135 ??? CURR CURR is not a valid argument for this
ERR 136 ??? FULL FULL is not a valid argument for this
ERR 137 ??? LAST LAST is not a valid argument for this
ERR 138 !GRT/DSP GRT/DSP are not valid arguments for this
ERR 139 PLOTONLY Argument can only be used with PLOT
ERR 140 ?? PWRON PWRON is not a valid argument for this
ERR 141 BAD ARG Argument can only be used with FDIAG
ERR 142 BAD ARG Query expected for FDIAG command.
ERR 143 NO PRESL No preselector hardware to use command with.
ERR 144 COUPL?? Invalid COUPLING argument, expected AC or
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